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Saafir - Poke Martian

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Yaş : 33
Kayıt tarihi : 29/12/08
Mesaj Sayısı : 949
Nerden : Elazığ
Rep Puanı: 1949
Saafir - Poke Martian Vide
MesajKonu: Saafir - Poke Martian Saafir - Poke Martian Icon_minitimePtsi Şub. 09, 2009 10:17 pm

my septic's anti on the skeptical
who jocks
and disavow ya actions,
who's your agent
2nd letter 'cause you're actin' like
a charlatan not
let's say your froidian slips
on transmissions kicked daily
don't let perpetual lies be the reason
treason play the seasonin on the pessimism in your thoughts
meager is you game - hand, no
as teep mentat poke martian,
caught 'cha frontin i peeped ya from da jump
i take it for true that plagarism
captivates, your vision is blurred,
your head's swollen, crab
you irritate my scrotum
i recognize the pattern of your ways,
your swaze
portrayed on the relay, some say
another one of you is born every day
no, better yet, i'm not one to even take it that far
yo! where's that fuckin' bluestar...
<----------ozan23 Kullanıcısının İmzası---------->
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Saafir - Poke Martian

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