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A Beginnings End - Switchblades And Lollipops

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Yeni tema ve butonlarımız hayırlı olsun
Üye bilgileri
Yaş : 33
Kayıt tarihi : 29/12/08
Mesaj Sayısı : 949
Nerden : Elazığ
Rep Puanı: 1949
A Beginnings End - Switchblades And Lollipops Vide
MesajKonu: A Beginnings End - Switchblades And Lollipops A Beginnings End - Switchblades And Lollipops Icon_minitimeSalı Şub. 10, 2009 6:34 pm

With this blade in hand
I think of everything i cant understand
I wanna take the next step
But my fears catch up with me
Put it slowly to the ground
I realize I'm safe and sound
This can only happen in my deep sleep
Only in my dreams

You're probably discusted by now, I know
Just understand that I'm nothing like you
Be more open minded
And listen to what I have to say,its ok.

Listen to these sick thoughts
They're only in my dreams
Why am I like this?
Dont forget they're only dreams.

You're probably discusted by now, I know
Just understand that I'm nothing like you
Be more open minded
And listen to what I have to say,its ok.

Why am I like this? They're only dreams
Why am I like this? They're only dreams
Why am I like this? They're only dreams
Why am I like this? They're only dreams...
<----------ozan23 Kullanıcısının İmzası---------->
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A Beginnings End - Switchblades And Lollipops

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