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A Bitter Farewell - Paris Is Burning

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Üye bilgileri
Yaş : 33
Kayıt tarihi : 29/12/08
Mesaj Sayısı : 949
Nerden : Elazığ
Rep Puanı: 1949
A Bitter Farewell - Paris Is Burning Vide
MesajKonu: A Bitter Farewell - Paris Is Burning A Bitter Farewell - Paris Is Burning Icon_minitimeSalı Şub. 10, 2009 6:38 pm

With a mutual blindspot
We never saw this coming
Once upon a moment
We had enough to keep us running
They said burn it
And avenge the broken hearted
And never let it heal
So we gave the people what they wanted

This is our last chance
This love of ours it dwindles
Down to nothing
Because paris is burning

With a mutual blindspot
I guess we had this coming
Deserving every moment
But we can not keep on running
I say burn it
Im forever broken hearted
Please never let it heal
So you gave me what i wanted

This is our last chance
This love of ours it dwindles
Down to nothing
Because our paris is burning

This is our last dance

Bring all your lovers
Of good times and consequence
Well add to this fire
Well add fuel to the fire
You must of known you cant deny it
Its all beginning to feel to familiar
The way it burns is beautiful

This is our last chance
This love of ours it dwindles
Down to nothing
Because our paris is burning
<----------ozan23 Kullanıcısının İmzası---------->
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A Bitter Farewell - Paris Is Burning

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